Statements to Live By
The ‘Statements to Live By’ is a resource initially developed by Catholic Head Teachers across the North East Dioceses and is used successfully in a number of schools throughout the Hexham and Newcastle Diocese.
The resource is rooted in nine guiding principles which support the distinctive nature of Catholic schools. The statements make the Catholic values of the school explicit, promote a positive and caring Christian ethos that is understood and communicated to everyone, promote emotional literacy and contribute towards community cohesion and the common good.
Here at St James Catholic Primary School we explore a different ‘Statement to Live By’ each week. These statements help children, families and staff think about who we are, what we believe and what we hope to become. We hope that together we will nurture a sense of what it is to be fully human and alive as children and adults sharing in this Christian community.
Parents and Carers are informed of the weekly statement via our newsletter. We ask families to help support their child with the statement. Statements are displayed throughout school and in each class. Staff share the importance of each statement during Class Prayer, Collective Worship and Liturgies.
There are 36 statements based on 9 guiding principles, rooted in our Catholic, Christian faith. All are linked to our Religious Education programme and the Catholic Life of the school but each one is relevant no matter what our religious beliefs are.