Welcome to our Year 5 Class at St James’
Welcome to Year 5 my name is Mr Monaghan and I am the current Class teacher in Year 5. In Year 5 we are supported by a variety of Teaching Assistants. We cover a huge range of topics in Year 5, which the children will undoubtedly love exploring. As well as the World Wars, we delve into the functions of the human body (including the opportunity to dissect a heart), as well as life beyond our planet where we will be unravelling the mysteries of space and our solar system. Within Year 5, learning is not restricted to within the classroom. Children will be offered the wonderful opportunity to perform Shakespeare live on stage, as well as visiting the Youth Village.
There is only one rule in my classroom; try your best. If the children do that, they will thrive and have fun along the way.
Year 5 Noticeboard
- Homework is given out each Friday and should be returned for the following Tuesday
- Spellings are handed out each Friday and will be tested the following Friday. The spelling rules of that week will be reiterated during school time.
- Accelerated reader – The children will read their reading books for 15 minutes every day. The children can take their book home for extra reading, but this must come back in each day ready to read in class.
- PE in Year 5 is on Wednesday. Make sure you have your full St James PE kit.
- Please bring fresh water daily.
- We pray every day in school. Please help your child to become familiar with our prayers here Little Book of Prayers Upper KS2
Year 5 Youth Village Residential
Spring Term in Year 5
Tips on how to help your child’s learning during the Spring Term:
- Encourage your children to practise their times tables regularly. This could be five minutes in the car, or a spare few minutes before tea. Times Tables Rockstars is a super app to use. Times tables are so important in every strand of Maths. Our strand in the first few weeks will be multiplication and division, so this is vital for that. They can write them out at home and use them in lessons to support their own learning.
Spelling practise this half term needs to be stronger as a class. Next year, 20 marks out of the 70 available in the SPAG test (Spelling, punctuation and grammar) are for spellings. Every practise makes a real difference.
Children could start researching anything linked with space and how Earth fits in within our Solar System. They have already looked at geocentric and heliocentric theories, but anything else will aid them in Science and Literacy this half term.
Autumn Term in Year 5
Tips on how to help your child’s learning during the Autumn Term:
- Encourage your children to practise their times tables regularly. This could be five minutes in the car, or a spare few minutes before tea. Times Tables Rockstars is a super app to use. Times tables are so important in every strand of Maths.
- When walking around the local Hebburn or Jarrow area, discuss any changes that have happened over the years and the possible reasons why. For example, an old factory could have been replaced with a block of flats, to accommodate a rising population in the area. This will support our Settlements topic in Geography.
- Children could start researching all things WWII. We are currently working on WWI, but will be moving on to WWII after half term.
It’s the end of our Autumn Term
It’s been a busy festive period at St James as it always is, with Year 5 playing their part. The Y5 children sang fantastically in the recent Christmas carols performance alongside Year 6, with some notable solo performances from Alexis, Keira, Lucy and Evie.
Year 6 News
The children in Y5 have been busy in November. They have been honing their acting skills in Literacy lessons, trying to stay in role throughout the entirety of a scene or extract. They have also got to grips with some amazing artefacts from the Anglo-Saxon period which they are studying in History lessons. The Saxon board game proved extremely popular indeed. The children tried their luck at Mathopoly as well, using their knowledge of shape and geometry to make their way around the board. Plenty of fun had; plenty of learning accomplished along the way.