Christmas at St James
Feast of Christ the King
On Sunday 24th November we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King at St James Church.
This is a very important feast day in our Catholic calendar and were delighted to see many of our children and families attend the mass.
Children have been learning the chorus of a new version of the Apostles Creed and were delighted to showcase their talent to the parishioners.
It was a joyful event where the children represented the school and their families beautifully with their fantastic responses and outstanding behaviour.
Travelling Crib
As it is Advent we invite our families to take part in the Travelling Crib project. Each day a child is selected to take a Travelling Crib home. As a family you are invited to place the crib scene in your home, switch on the candle and take a short time to pray together.
The travelling crib has everything you will need, including a short prayer, hymn and information on how to use the set for the evening. We kindly ask that the set is returned to school the following day so that it can be passed on to another child.
We would be delighted to receive photos, drawings, prayers or writing about the crib. These could be brought into school or emailed to the office.
We are very much looking forward to you sharing your Travelling Crib stories throughout Advent.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Performance
Yesterday was the last of our Christmas Performances and what a showstopper it was. Thank you to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for their fabulous rendition on “Wriggly Nativity” YOU WERE ALL AMAZING!
Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas Performance
Well done to Year 3 and Year 4 who all performed beautifully for their parents and carers. The children have worked tirelessly to practice and perfect their narration, acting and singing. Well done to all involved in creating this fabulous performance.
Year 5 and Year 6 Christmas Performance
Well done to Year 5 and Year 6 who all performed beautifully for their parents and carers. The singing, dancing and narration all made for a perfect show. Well done to everyone involved in creating this heart warming performance.